Used Car Sales On the Rise

Are you thinking about buying a used car? In today’s modern day and age, there many factors to consider when buying a new car. How large of a car do you need? Do you have a favorite make or model? What about a favorite color? Do you want an environmentally friendly vehicle or a gas guzzling truck? Are there special features you want? And finally, how much are you willing to spend? For answers to all of these questions and more, all you have to do is visit a car dealership. Many people actually enjoy visiting car dealerships, because studies show that an estimated 84 percent of consumers thoroughly enjoy buying a used car, or even a new car, in person. Another 43 percent of people look at car dealerships as places to learn more about what type of vehicle they might be interested in. As an added bonus, many dealerships allow consumers to test drive vehicles so their customers can be 100 percent comfortable with their purchase.
When it’s time to buy, many consumers across the country enjoy affordable options to get their hands on the vehicle of their dreams. Certified used-car programs are just one example, and allow consumers to enjoy the luxury of newer used cars. Additionally, dealerships are always eager to help consumers make their purchase, which means that they have access to lenders and can help consumers get approved for auto loans.
Dealerships sell vehicles every single day here in America. In fact, just in 2014, Americans bought about 16.5 million new vehicles. That’s a lot of vehicles and about one million more than was sold in 2013. But what are some of the features that consumers are looking for when they visit the dealership? Well, luxury features are always great, like heated seats and remote starters for those cold winter months. Others prefer sunroofs that they can roll down on warm summer days, while some enjoy automatic sliding doors on their minivans so their children can get in and out of the vehicle with ease. However, a new type of technology is gaining in popularity and demand — blind spot detection and prevention features. In fact, according to a recent study, about 40 percent of drivers prefer vehicles that have blind spot and prevention features. Night vision features come in at a close second in terms of popular vehicle technology, and consumers, especially Gen Y consumers, are more than willing to shell out the cash for these types of features. Just how much cash? Well, in 2015, Gen Y consumers spent an average of $3,703 for preferred technology.
So the next time you find yourself thinking about buying a used car, take a trip down to your local dealership and see what they can do for you.