Author Archives: Street Racing Cars

4 Reasons to Keep Up Your Car Maintenance

Auto service

If you have a car, you almost certainly depend on it heavily. It needs to take you to work and back, and safely transport the kids to school. It has to be ready to take you places in an emergency …

27 Feb 2018

How Many Truck Drivers Are in Need of Our Services Today

Roberts truck and trailer repair

The trucking industry is booming. Did you know that truck’s that are part of large companies move about 70% of the nation’s freight at any given time? There are also about 3.5 million truck drivers employed in the U.S. (or …

20 Feb 2018

Limos Safety While Partying

Paso robles bus

You are looking for a night out. It’s going to be a fun night, full of drinking and partying. But you’re unsure of how to get to where you’re going. You don’t want an Uber. You have friends that want …

05 Feb 2018

Four Tips for Caring For Your Mercedes Benz

Mb parts usa

Mercedes Benz is rapidly becoming one of America?s more popular cars. In 2013 the company saw their highest annual sales volume in history, selling 312,534 units in the United States. If you?re one of those lucky Benz cars owners, here …

05 Feb 2018

Is Your Auto Insurance Policy Covering All The Basics? It’s Time For A Yearly Review

The cost of car insurance depends on many factors. An accurate insurance company quote could take into account your driving history, type of car, and the average number of miles that you drive each year. Some states also allow insurers …

28 Jan 2018

3 Reasons Sport Utility Vehicles are Great for Families

Community focused car dealer

Having a family is one of the greatest experiences to have. With that in mind, it’s imperative that you choose the right vehicle for your family. In fact, a recent study from The Family Room found that 57% of parents …

21 Jan 2018

Great Cars for College Graduates

Jeep dealer des moines

There is no question that the car industry is a huge part of the American economy. As a matter of fact, America’s automobile industry is without a doubt one of the largest industries in the country. This industry has hurt …

17 Jan 2018

Large Stainless Steel Hose Clamps Provide a Tight Fit in Many Jobs

Torro clamp

You can have a garage full of the most expensive tools, but if you do not have the kind of reliable clamp that you need you may not be able to finish a task. From plumbers who are out on …

08 Jan 2018

Japanese Car Manufacturing Winning the Game

Japanese engines for sale

There are some significant statistics about the numbers of Japanese autos sold in the United States. For instance, i 2016, millions of Japanese vehicles were sold in the United States. Honda and Toyota alone accounted for millions of sales. And …

07 Jan 2018

Ford Trucks What the Roush Means

Car dealers in iowa

When a person is considering buying a new vehicle, it is important for that person to take stock of what they currently have to see if it is an asset and whether it can be sold or traded in to …

20 Dec 2017