Bought A New Truck This Year? Make Sure You’re Covered With Truck Accessories

Updated 2/24/2021
Buying a new truck soon? Don’t forget the truck accessories! Accessories are the biggest factor in making this truck your own. Getting the right ones are important too. You do not want to put accessories for a small sports car on your large truck, right? The best place for you to find them is at a custom truck parts and accessories shop. Do you also wish to customize certain parts? You can likely discover a shop that sells older and late model truck parts as well.
If you do not know where to look for such a shop, go onto your search engine and enter “find parts for my truck” along with your make and model details. They might even have such things as folding truck bed caps, trailer hitches and oodles of truck accessories. When you find the right shop, your friendly and helpful sales associate will make sure you leave with the perfect parts and accessories for YOUR truck. This includes the correct size. We all know trucks come in many sizes. The shop’s owner and staff realize this and can accommodate you. All you must do is ask.

So you finally have that truck you’ve been looking forward to for years. You’re good to go, right? Not so fast!
Owning any vehicle is a big responsibility, with trucks almost at the very top of the pack for their sheer size and versatility. Simply keeping your truck clean isn’t enough to get the most out of your model. What about those camping trips that see you and the family hauling pounds of gear and accessories halfway across the state? What of that new fishing hobby you’ve picked up? A few truck additions certainly don’t hurt and a Ford f150 Tonneau cover or steelcraft bull bar could be the best gift you’ve never had. Before you get ahead of yourself, take a glance at the list below and look at all the ways you can get the very most out of your new truck.
Fun Facts
You’ve got more than enough options to whet you and your truck’s appetite. As of last year Toyota has been rated the most valuable auto company around the world, with an impressive total of $28 billion. What about the States, you may ask? 2017 also saw the Ford F-Series being considered the best seller across the country with its yearly sum of 896,000 trucks. Coming in close at second place is the Chevy Silverado with a nice 580,000 trucks sold. Let’s look at what this could mean for you and your future Ford f150 Tonneau cover.
Light Duty Trucks
Let’s say you have a light duty truck. Should you get a Ford f150 Tonneau cover or a Ford raptor cover? It all depends on how much you’ll be hauling. Light duty trucks have a general carrying capacity of 1,500 and 3,000 pounds, with a towing limit that shouldn’t go past 12,000 pounds. Sales of light duty trucks have gone up from an already impressive 55% to just over 60% of the total auto market in the United States. As of today? The crossover is by far the most popularly bought light duty truck and boasted nearly 400,000 sales by the beginning of 2018.
Heavy Duty Trucks
Some are fine with a light duty truck for the occasional field trip. Others will be carrying heavier loads for longer, be they for professional or recreational purposes, so a heavy duty truck is necessary to hold up for the long haul. Your average heavy duty truck has a carrying capacity of 6,500 pounds, with a towing limit of 20,000 pounds and a little beyond, and that’s important to keep in mind when looking up your truck accessories. A Ford f150 Tonneau cover can make sure, no matter what you’re hauling, you’re guaranteed a smooth ride.
Horsepower And Trailers
There’s no downside to knowing your car inside and out. After all, your purchasing decisions will be much more informed and you’ll save both money and stress when looking up the ideal Ford raptor bed cover or LED bull bar to supplement every new trip. Keep in mind horsepower is the ability of a vehicle to move 550 pounds of weight one foot in a single second. There are five classes of trailer hitch available, with the respective towing range anywhere between 2,000 to 12,000 pounds.
Choosing The Right Truck Accessories
Which truck accessories are right for you? For those that regularly take to the open road or could use a little more security when the weather takes a turn for the worse, running boards for 2017 RAM 1500 could be right up your alley. The last thing you want while heading out on that long-awaited vacation is to see your supplies have gotten wet or a few pesky rodents found their way into your belongings when your back is turned. Not only are covers highly practical, they’re designed to be easy to fit and even easier to clean. When it comes to owning a truck, the basics don’t even begin to cover it.
Bring out the best your new vehicle has to offer. Make sure it’s covered every step of the way.