Ask any racer you know, whether a professional or an amateur, and they’ll tell you that nothing beats the feeling of speeding down a race track. Not just racing against other drivers but the clock as well. It’s one of the most enjoyable activities, whether a hobby or a career. However, you can’t just wake up and decide you’ll go out racing; there’s typically some preparation involved. Here are ten tips to help you get ready for the race track.
1. Stay Hydrated
You’ve probably heard about how hydration is important for your overall health. Medical professionals are always emphasizing Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! You may not know this, but your hydration levels impact your performance on the race track.
Begin your hydration regimen seven days before you go out racing. Ensure you’re diligently ingesting clean water to prepare for racing weekends. According to CNN, due to the high heat and strenuous exertion inside a race car, you may shed between 5 and 10 pounds of sweat during a lengthy endurance race.
It’s not only you who needs to stay hydrated. Your fellow crew members also work long shifts in the sweltering sun for multiple days. To mitigate the effects of heat exhaustion and fatigue, they must maintain proper hydration. This is key to ensuring they’re alert enough to give you the greatest support.
Hydration affects your cognitive function and reaction time. Even mild dehydration has been shown to impair a driver’s cognitive function and response speed, according to research, which might have a detrimental effect on your capacity to make quick, informed judgments. Consume fluids before, during, and after your races. Pay attention to your body’s signals for thirst.
It’s critical to keep your body temperature at a healthy level when competing in hot, humid conditions. Dehydration puts you at a higher risk of suffering heat stroke and exhaustion and can have other serious health consequences. As you diligently drink fluids, remember to take steps to cool down your body between races. You can use cold towels, ice packs, or both; listen to your body.
2. Have a Comfortable Car
It’s easy for long races to turn into a nightmare, so adjusting the car’s settings is important. The question is, what precisely qualifies as a comfortable car for racing? You want your automobile to maintain balance when you veer off course. It should also have a functioning air conditioner. The seat is the most crucial component for comfort in a race car. In most cases, the seat is created specifically for the driver.
3. Keep Your Car in a Garage
Chances are you own more than one car if you go out racing, and as an enthusiast, one of those is likely on the pricey end, probably worth more than your home! Don’t worry, though; no one’s judging here. However, storing it carefully and safely when it’s not in use, such as during the off-season, only makes sense.
However, before temporarily retiring your ‘baby,’ ensure it’s in optimal functioning condition by having your trusted mechanic conduct a thorough inspection. If any issues are revealed, have your mechanic rectify them. Verify that the tires are in good shape and have adequate tread. As part of maintenance, replace the oil and filter to ensure the engine is in good working order when you pull it out of storage.
You should also give your car some TLC by having a professional give it a wash down. A clean car is less likely to develop rust. Now you can park it in your garage and cover it using a blanket or sheet to protect it further and prevent dust accumulation on its surface.
Before you can relax, inspect your garage for any damages or potential issues, and don’t forget to check for the need for garage door repair. A faulty garage door can let in moisture and pests, cause air leaks, and bring about many issues for you and your car. You want to keep your garage cool (between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit) and dry all year.
4. Inspect Your Car for Pests
Another thing you’ll need to do before going out racing is inspect your ride for pests. These little creatures aren’t just a nuisance; they can cause significant damage. Not to mention how embarrassing of a situation they can put you in if they run across your dashboard when you have other people in the car with you.
Pests are very ingenious and can make their way into your car in several ways. In most cases, you’ll likely be responsible, but not intentionally. For example, when you go to the nursery and bring home new plants, some pests may attach themselves to the leaves and then to your car. Letting your dog into the car after a day of exploring the great outdoors will likely leave you with a few pests.
In other cases, you may find pests like wasps in your car, primarily drawn by the warmth of the car’s hood. It’s not always your fault. You must schedule wasp nest removal immediately if they have made a nest. The last thing you want is a wasp flying around your car in the middle of your race. Whatever the case or type of infestation, you should seek the help of a pest control professional specializing in cars.
When seeking the services of automobile pest control professionals, you want to be sure that you’ll get value for your money. That’s why you should conduct in-depth research on any company you’re considering hiring and the qualifications of its employees. This will typically involve reading internet reviews, seeking recommendations from family or friends, and verifying their licenses and certifications.
When meeting with a car pest control service for a consultation, inquire about any additional fees and if they back up their work with a warranty. To guarantee that your car is permanently free of pests, a professional should offer a follow-up plan. Watch out for any indications of a pest issue, such as feces, chewed cables and car fabric, or a strange odor.
5. Find a Community of Racers
Joining a racing community will give you a chance to meet other people who share your passion for cars. You can exchange ideas, banter, and learn from each other. If you need tips on improving your performance on the track, you’ll always find people willing to share their secrets.
Most racing communities will also have a website or forum available to members. You can post a question and watch the responses pour in. You’ll get way more information than you even need. If you’re looking for a certain part for your 1967 Ford Mustang, you can be sure to find someone who knows someone who knows where to get it.
Another benefit you’ll get to enjoy is regular updates about races in your area that you’re a great fit for. You can also get access to the tools you need to launch your career. Now that you know the benefits, you’re likely wondering how to find a racing community.
While it may not be the first place that comes to mind, consider asking around at your local church. Simply because one is strong in their faith doesn’t mean one can’t enjoy the thrill of being behind a fast-moving car and negotiating those tight corners. Don’t be surprised to find that the pastor used to hold the record for the fastest track time.
6. Be Prepared for Medical Emergencies
The thing with driving your car at high speeds is the possibility of getting into an accident that results in a medical emergency becomes higher and higher the more you press your foot on the pedal. Rather than leaving it up to the ‘gods,’ it’s best to prepare for the possibility; better safe than sorry. A great place to start is by ensuring your first aid kit has all the necessary supplies.
Having a fully-stocked first aid kit will come in handy as it’ll allow you to address minor injuries like sprains, bruises, scrapes, and cuts. This can make the difference between needing extensive medical treatment and only needing a few stitches. Another great way to prepare for medical emergencies is by shopping for a life insurance policy that covers those involved in motorsports or any other sport where cars typically move at high speeds
7. Reach Out to a Lawyer
As you prepare to go out racing, talking to an attorney is a good idea. Ask them any questions you may have. Since driving your car at high speeds puts you at a higher risk of causing or getting into an accident, you want to know the legal implications of different situations.
The legal implications of when you’re at fault aren’t the same as when the other party is. A lawyer can also help you understand how being involved in an accident while racing will impact your insurance claim. Knowing all the possible outcomes will give you the peace of mind to focus on winning the race.
8. Maintain Your Vehicle
It should go without saying that before you consider going out racing, you must ensure you’re up-to-date with your car’s maintenance needs. Remember, you’ll be pushing your engine to its limits. If you fail to detect the need for transmission repairs early on, for example, it could be a recipe for disaster.
While you can perform a maintenance check yourself, hiring a professional is recommended. They’ll inspect the entire vehicle, from the inside to the underside. For the best results, look for a mechanic specializing in race cars.
Thanks to their years of experience, they’re knowledgeable about the unique needs of automobiles that regularly hit the race track. A specialist will be better positioned to recommend repairs and possible upgrades that could benefit your overall performance.
9. Stay Out of Accidents
For someone who regularly goes out racing, knowing how to avoid accidents so you don’t need auto accident lawyers is important. Most people think that the leading cause of automobile accidents is drunk driving or speeding, but that’s not necessarily true. Distracted driving causes much more accidents, according to Accident Care.
Anything that draws your attention away from the road, even briefly, qualifies as distracted driving. Eating snacks while behind the wheel may not seem like the worst idea, but when you’re racing and your foot is flat on the pedal, looking down at your bag of chips can send your car flying off the road. Remember, you’re competing against other drivers whose decisions are completely independent of yours.
Reckless driving is also a recipe for disaster. It not only puts you at risk but the other racers and road users as well. Avoid bad road habits like changing lanes too quickly or tailgating.
10. Have a Smooth Driveway
While having a smooth driveway won’t necessarily help you beat other racers when you go out racing, it offers some other great benefits. For example, installing a new asphalt driveway will not only improve your home’s curb appeal but also minimize noise pollution. Asphalt also provides better traction for tires, improving safety when on your driveway. The reason that 31 out of the 33 NASCAR racing circuits are covered with asphalt is due to its exceptional skid protection and incredible gripping power, according to Shattuck Paving.
Once it is built, asphalt leaves little of an environmental footprint. Studies have demonstrated that asphalt pavements don’t leach. According to the National Asphalt Pavement Association’s study report, which found that asphalt is America’s most recycled and reused material at a rate of more than 99%, it is entirely renewable. Asphalt pavements are also quick to construct, meaning they consume less energy.
An asphalt driveway will also stand the test of time and give you great service while you live in your home. They’re also more cost-efficient as they don’t require much to restore, compared to a material like concrete, which requires a significant financial investment. Asphalt also typically has minimal maintenance needs.
Racing is one of the most thrilling and exciting activities. Nothing can beat the feeling and adrenaline of driving down a clear road at high speeds and everything around you going by like a blur. However, before you can go out racing, consider the above tips to help you get ready.